1. Internet Archive
If you missed the coin-op arcade games of the late 20th century, you can find a large collection of over 1,700 retro games on the “Internet Arcade” of the Internet Archive, that you can play directly in your Web browser.
You can also find old games to download and play offline in the Archive’s official software library, as well as in its unofficial one.
2. GOG & Steam
GOG still has both old and new free games available to download in its 2020 “Stay At Home” collection, in addition to the ones that Steam offers under its “Free To Play” genre, some of which are now considered to be retro.
3. Other Sources
For even more oldies, you can check out the active websites of MyAbandonware and Abandonia, or the inactive website of GameHippo. There is also an on-going attempt by eXoDOS to collect all defunct DOS games. However, even though these games are discontinued, some of the titles could still be under copyright in certain countries, so you may need to download them over a VPN connection to be safe.
Image by @yo_puaaa via Unsplash
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